A Thousand Flags, a Thousand Stories


Flags become tools to create a European identity that goes beyond economic unity, embracing the political sphere as well. We aimed to create a space where everyone could freely and uncensoredly express their own experiences.

One of the underlying themes of the entire "Artists 4 Human Rights" project is the sense of integration and the search for a European identity that goes beyond the economic and financial aspects, focusing intensely on the political dimension. The idea was to give visitors the opportunity to not only be spectators but to have their say, to formulate a message through the use of flags.

On a world map, passers-by were invited to attach small adhesive flags or cutouts of flags, to share their own stories or openly express any thought without censorship. Thus, someone juxtaposed different pieces of flags, representing their own multi-ethnicity, while someone else choosed to represent a possible future or an uncomfortable present.

Flags are the common thread throughout the exhibition: we involved artists from diverse backgrounds, as in the case of the Russian-American artist, an example of the blending of two seemingly incompatible cultures. Next to each artwork, the flags tell this peculiar aspect, offering an additional level of reflection and debate: in the exhibition space, Spain, Ukraine, USA, Russia, France, Peru, Poland, Germany, Pakistan coexist peacefully.

More flags, or rather "sheets filled with flags", to create an image that resonates with Europe in this search for political identity: flags that become vessels. Thus, the exhibition space is filled with fleets representing the multi-ethnicity of the world, captained by a small boat made with the European Union flag.

"A Thousand Flags, a Thousand Stories" embodies the essence of this collective vision. Through the symbolic power of flags, we created an inclusive environment where people could express themselves in a space free from censorship. Art, together with politics, can create spaces where there are no stigmatizations and where it is possible to represent and reflect on the concerns of every citizen, freely and without censorship.